Monday, October 22, 2007

First Thing

My goal is to cram as much techno knowledge into my brain as possible, and then impress my students, colleagues, and husband by doing cool things with my newly acquired skills. Teaching technology is probably my favorite part of my job. It would be great to have a Beasley Library Blog, but I don't know how to make that happen around the filter. Perhaps I'll soon learn whether or not it's feasible. I'm sure students would think it was great fun to create their own Podcasts promoting books they like, so I'm looking forward to using that technology also.

I must say, this process seems a bit random to me, a very sequential person. I lost the blog website in the middle of choosing a template. Because the blog already existed at that point, I couldn't use the back button, which left me a bit lost in cyber world. In addition, the Avatar Yahoo site suddenly went down. Although I technically exist in cyberspace, I fear I'm not dressed for the task, and I'm having identity issues.

1 comment:

mmw said...

If you are interested in creating a blog for students to use, the filter does not block